Golf Rates Old
Greens Fees $30/9 holes, $50/18 holes/day
Motorized Cart

$10 per seat per 9 holes
$15 per seat per 18 holes

Seasonal Cart Rental

$250 single, $500 per family

Pull Cart $5 per round
Cart Storage $275 per season
Trail Fee $275 per season
Range Balls $7.00 per bag
Golf Clubs $20 per round, $10 junior
Locker Rental $75 per season
Club Storage $50 per season
GHIN Registration $25 per season

Children of Family Golf Members pay no additional greens fees.
Non-golf activity Juniors under 16 pay $12.50 for a round of golf.

Golf Passes Available for Off Season
(May, June, September, October)

  • Off Season Pass       $250 (unlimited play for the “off season”)
  • Spring Pass               $150 (unlimited play for May & June)
  • Fall Pass                    $150 (unlimited play for September & October)

Resident Associate Membership
With recommendation of a current club member, for year-round residents of Castine and nearby towns, over age 18, and employed locally. Unlimited play during May, June, September, October; play limited in July and August to before 9 AM and after 5 PM.  

Single $450/Family $750. Please contact Noah Tapley, Golf Pro at 326-8844 or Only 15 memberships are available


Private Lessons with PGA Pro by appointment.

Member – $75 per hour; Nonmember $75 per hour plus mandatory $30 guest fee for a round of golf.


Junior 1-hour clinics – $15 golf activity members, $20 non-golf activity members (8 times/summer only), limit 6 per clinic.

Non-golf activity Juniors under 16 pay $12.50 for a round of golf.

Non-golf activity Juniors over 16 pay $30.00 for a round of golf, mandatory following a lesson or clinic.

Men’s and Women’s Clinics – $20 

All nonmembers pay mandatory $30 guest fee for a round of golf in addition to lesson/clinic fee.