CYC Contact
Clubhouse – 207-326-8844
Channel 68
Castine Harbor Master
Scott Vogell
Cell: 207-266-9392
Town Dock: 207-266-7711
Channels 09 & 16
Attendants daily 8 am-5 pm, July 1-Labor Day
Channel 68
Eatons Boat Yard
Emergency Numbers
Fire: 911
Police: 800-431-7381
Medical / Castine Community Health Services
Launch Hours
Service begins June 17 & ends Labor Day
Monday: 0930 – 1730
Tuesday: 0930 – 1730
Wednesday: 0930 – 1730
Thursday: 0930 – 1730
Friday: 0930 – 1730
Saturday: 0930 – 1830
Sunday: 0930 – 1730

Castine Yacht Club is a private club dedicated to the encouragement of yachting in our town.
The use of our facilities is not offered on a commercial basis, but rather as a courtesy extended to visitors from other yacht clubs. To help cover our costs we ask visiting yachtsmen to contribute according to the schedule below and to kindly observe our rules.
Five guest moorings are available for the use of visiting yachtsmen at their own risk. These are marked by white round floats with blue bands and are marked CYC GUEST # 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5. The maximum overall length of boats on each CYC mooring are:
#1: 20 feet; #2: 30 feet; #3: 40 feet; #4: 28 feet; #5: 38 feet
There is a 24 hour time limit on each. Please see the Yacht Club staff for assistance. A contribution of $45 per night is customary. We do not accept reservations for moorings. Credit cards, cash or checks are accepted.
Hot showers are available on the ground floor of the Clubhouse. The Club is generally open from 0800 to 2000. Five dollars ($5.00) per person is requested. This contribution should be given to the Club staff directly or placed in the slot of the door of the downstairs office.
Please deposit garbage (trash), sealed in plastic garbage bags only, in the trash bin at the bottom of the back staircase. There is a second bin for returnable bottles and cans. Because the Town of Castine charges us for waste disposal, we ask that you contribute $5.00 per bag. We appreciate your cooperation in helping us keep the Club neat.
A phone is located outside at the lower entrance to the Club. Emergency numbers are listed below. The Harbor Master, the Yacht Club, and Eaton’s all monitor VHF channels 9 & 16.
The Castine Community Health Services is open Monday through Friday 8 am to 4 pm and located on Court Street just up the street from the CYC clubhouse (one block up Dyer Lane).