
Exploring the wonders of the sea on the coast of Maine

The Castine Yacht Club, is a haven for boaters of all kinds. We are a private club dedicated to the encouragement of yachting in our Town.

Lessons & Clinics

Programs for members and non-members of all ages.  


Dinghy, storage, program, and visiting yacht fees for members and non-members.

Events Calendar

Member and non-member events for all ages throughout the summer.

Explore the Yacht Club

Castine Yacht Club, overlooking Castine Harbor, offers sailing lessons for all abilities, Colgate and Mercury racing, kayak tours, Castine Class races on Saturdays, the Eaton Stew party in August, and Classic Yacht Week leading up to the Eggemoggin Reach Regatta in early August.

Yacht Staff

Hope Bowden - Waterfront Director